Eeyore's Thistle Patch in
The Hundred Acre Wood(lawn)
Home of
TheThistlePatch Postcard Site

"Sitting on thistles doesn't do them any Good. Takes all the Life out of them."

From "Eeyore's Gloomy Little Instruction Book"

Welcome to the web page of:

-- Twin daughters who like Big Bird, Barney , Blue and Steve , the Cat in the Hat , dandelions , Pawpaw , and Tigger .

-- A mother , previously known as Sarah Bernhardt , who likes Oscar the Grouch, the Grinch , dandelions & thistles, and Eeyore; Mary Stewart, Diana Gabaldon, and Victoria Holt (originals) novels; creative writing; films , especially Hitchcock films
(it's too bad so many people only know him for "Pyscho" and "The Birds" -- two movies I have never seen and don't at this point intend to see); all things purple, Celtic , vintage, and/or chocolate ; Heavenly Blue morning glories; hummingbird-, bee-, and butterfly-supportive xeriscaping ; Eeyore; Monet; Mozart ; trying to outdo -- by trying to indulge my creative urges -- my twins' endeavors to kill me ; virtual thoughtfulnesses ; clothing design; chocolate; quilting; tatting; embroidery; Eeyore; collecting/making Christmas ornaments of sentimental value; 42 and other "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" allusions ; chocolate; authors Don Whittington, Jack Ballas , Tim McGuire , and John McCord -- not because they write exciting books (which they do), but because I get a hug everytime I see them! ; history (especially Scottish) ; and the people who created history; gargoyles ; herbs; Eeyore; music and art ; high tea ; and,

Emu -- A father who likes emu ranching ; the Dallas Cowboys and NFL football; teaching; providing safe haven for purple martins; hiking; skiing; camping; collecting stamps and coins; tropical fish; snakes; Voyager ; entrepreneurship; auctions; Christmas lights decorating; computers; gadgets; chocolate; and

-- A couple who like traveling (especially in Europe); photography (especially with Kilory & Nikki and funny props as subjects); antiquing; Star Trek TNG; DS9 ; and,

-- A family that likes visiting the monkeys at the zoo ; singing at Sabbath School ; visiting Gamma and Pawpaw at the farm; cherished friends & family ; and, feeding, loving, stepping over and around our three beloved dogs, cat, and and three hedgehogs .

We hope you enjoy your visit.
Animation by C Weis

Beloved Misfits: Dandelions <=> Bats <=> Gargoyles <=> Dragons

* Alpha's Quadrant * The Wild
* CLCW aka Sarah Bernhardt * Motherhood and Housewifery * Thought Spot
* Nikki & Kilory * Ballerinas * I think I can I think I can
* Hundred Acre Wood * Barney and Freud Tour Vienna
* Celebrating the Seasons * BB Guns and Frozen Tongues
* Music & Art Films vs. Movies * The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
* 2 Exhausted 2 Write Newsletter Archive
* Xeriscopic Butterfly Gardening * Butterfly Gardening for Dimmies
* The Neglectful Gardener * Antique Roses
* Garden Xeriscaping & Gramma * Gloomy Grumpy Pawpaw
* Teddy Bear Wars * Pawpaw vs. The Squirrels
* Dandelion Appreciation * Virtual Tea Party * Whoville * Green Eggs & Hams * The Zoo
* Chocolate * 101 Reasons to Hate Young Skinny Women * The Biscuit of Ally McBeal
* Green Gables in My Garden * Antiques/Brocante/ Junque * I love Paris in the Springtime
* Like Cats & Dogs * Hedgehogs * The Belfry * Helen's Yellow Brick Road
* Friend Links * Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy * The Galaxy Song
* Looney Camelot * Cathedral Guardians
* Gorey Q * Donald and The... * The Doubtful Guest * Book of Practical Cats
* Greatpa * Photos * Family History & Photos * Civil War Diary of G. T. Granger
* Wes Stoops Memorial * Love Letter to Gramma * Diana's Life Lessons
* Jesus Wants Me for a Sunflower

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